Clovis Adult Education is an official testing center for the GED® Test. To sign up for the next test REGISTER HERE.
As of January 2014, the new GED® State test is available at Clovis Adult Education. All GED® State testing is on Tuesday afternoons or Wednesday mornings (except holidays or non-school days). The new exam is now four tests, Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Social Studies and Science. If interested in learning more about the GED® test or to register for a test, REGISTER HERE.
Clovis Adult Education also offers a GED® preparation course. Both day and evening, and online are available. The GED® course prepares you for the GED® examination. After successfully passing your practice exams, you will be ready to take the official GED® State test.
How do I enroll in the GED® course?
The Academic programs are accredited by WASC only; these programs do not qualify for Title IV financial aid assistance.
Office: Main Administration Office
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Phone: (559) 327-2856