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Clovis Adult Education

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Nursing and Allied Health Conduct Policy

Nursing and Allied Health Conduct Policy
Clovis Adult Education Contractual Agreement

All hospitals that have entered into agreement with Clovis Adult Education Vocational Nurse Program to furnish clinical training sites for VN students require students to comply with the following:

Each student will:

  1. Not seek, use or purchase any test bank study guide questions or resources found on an unauthorized site on the Internet.  These resources are considered by this Nursing Program to be unauthorized to sell as they are teacher resources provided by book vendors.  Any student found to have and or be using or sharing these resources with other student will be immediately dropped from this nursing program for academic dishonesty.
  2. Maintain confidentially regarding information learned during the provision of nursing care.
  3. Wear the student uniform only when on campus for theory and for clinical training.
  4. Observe elements of professional conduct as outlined in the Vocational Nurse student policy manual.
  5. Neither consume alcohol or drug during, or immediately prior to coming to class or the clinical environment.
  6. Not visit their hospitalized patient or any other patient without the instructor's presence.
  7. Notify the instructor, or nursing office when it is necessary to be absent.  Any student that is absent for 3 clinical days without notification will be immediately dropped from the program.
  8. Comply with the following "Cheating Policy".  On all tests and written work!
  • First offense of cheating will result in failure of the test or written assignment.  Instructor will complete a Record of Infraction.
  • Any repetition of cheating will result in immediate referral to the faculty committee for disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal from the nursing program.
  • Working together on assignments is acceptable as long as the work turned in is the student's own and bears no resemblance to another student's work.  If the assignment bears resemblance, then both students will receive a zero on their work!
  • Student who give their work to other students or who give answers to others during a test, or engage in talking are also considered to be "Cheating".  Action will take place and students involve will receive a zero.
  • Follow all aspects of the attendance policy in the student handbook.  Complete required clinical make-up one month of a missed specific clinical discipline.  Exceptions to this rule would occur when a student is absent for an extended illness/ accident.  The Director and instructor must be notified.

All exceptions will be dealt with on an individual basis.

I have read and agree with the above, and I understand that any violation of the above in any area will be cause for my potential immediate dismissal from the Clovis Adult Education Vocational Nurse Program.

Download Contractual Agreement