General Information:
It is the intent of CUSD Clovis Adult Education to have a fair and equitable refund policy for the refund of registration fees in the event that the class is canceled or the student does not plan to attend.
Clovis Adult Education Refund Policy – Career Technical Education
It is the intent of CUSD Clovis Adult Education (CAE) to have a fair and equitable refund policy for the refund of registration fees in the event that the class and/or program is canceled, or the student does not plan to attend. Refunds, when due, are made within 45 days. The following procedures have been established as part of this policy:
Refund for classes or programs canceled by CAE: If fees are collected in advance of the start date of the class and/or program, 100 percent of the fees collected will be refunded within 45 days of the planned start date of the class or program canceled No written notice by student is required.
Refund for student who withdraws before the first day of class: If fees are collected in advance of the start date of the class and/or program, and the student withdraws prior to the first day of class, the student will receive a full refund less a processing fee of $25.00 per class. The Refund form is generated by the department staff which includes verification of payment.
Refund for student enrolled prior to visiting the institution: Students who have not visited the Clovis Adult Education campus prior to enrollment will have the opportunity to withdraw, without penalty, within three days following attendance at the regularly scheduled orientation or following a tour of the facility and inspection of equipment.
Refund for student who withdraws after class commences: If fees have been collected, and the student withdraws on or before the second day of class, the student will receive a full refund, less a processing fee of $25 per class.
Refund for student whose circumstances fall outside of the above information: If the student feels that they should receive a refund, although their circumstances fall outside of the refund requirements, the student must submit a signed appeal letter to the CAE Principal. The student will receive a determination notice from the CAE Principal within fourteen days of receipt of the appeal letter.